Sunday, August 17, 2008

I feel like a pioneer!

Our church building is being remodeled right now. They had to add a sprinkler system throughout the whole church and had to take out the whole chapel so we had to find another place to go to church. The solution the bishopric came up with was to go to church in the bishop's barn. When they decided to do that the barn consisted of 4 poles in the ground. In a week they built 3/4 of the barn which is how it is today. The only thing they have added are stalls that are now occupied by horses. So we go to church with horses in our "chapel" and a cat that wanders through the rows of people. Of course Hannah's favorite thing to do is to play in the dirt during sacrament. It gets a little chilly in there so everyone has learned to wear a sweater, jacket, or blanket. We have Relief Society every other week up the hill in the Relief Society presidents house. The primary is held in a tent that you can kind of see on the left. Young Womens is also held in a tent, and the nursery is held in the bishop's basement. It's quite the experience! We were just told that we have 3 more weeks of this and then our building will be ready. I have to tell you the truth, I think I am going to miss going to church in the barn.


Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...
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Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

Are you in Jason & Lisa's ward?

I can just picture Hannah down in the dirt ha ha how cute.
I would miss that too.
Kind of puts things into a better perspective. Makes the things that go on in church more important rather than the building you're sitting it. :]