Saturday, November 1, 2008


After 6 days in the hospital Michael is home! He said the doctors were making up so many excusing trying to delay his departure but he finally made it home last night. He is so happy to be home! He didn't sleep well in the hospital because the nurses were taking his vitals all the time. ( Those of you who have had a baby understand this all to well.) Once he gets his new bed
(one that relieves pressure and rotates his a little) he will be good to go. His new bed should arrive this afternoon. Michael has to stay in bed for 2 or 3 months. He will be able to get up once in awhile. I hope things will work out during the holidays. The sucky part is I won't be able to sleep with my husband for a couple of months. :(
Before Mike went into the hopsital he was in bed for a week. He needed a hair cut then but now he REALLY needs a hair cut! He looks like a werewolf! His beard is really thick and his long hair is sticking straight up from laying in bed. I'll see if he will let me take a picture and put it on the blog. Anyway, I am just really thankful Michael is home!


Scott and Carly said...

Yay, I'm so happy he's home. Trust me, I know how hard it is to have your husband away:)

Family of Fun said...

Oh, crap! Tell Mike to suck it up and let you take a picture. I think he looks awesome - like a true mountain man! The mountain man he has always wanted to be!!! :] Glad he is home and all is well, kind of, for now! :] Let us know how we can help, ALWAYS!

Kellie said...

Glad to hear Mike's home!! Hope he recovers quickly!!

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

I'm so sad I can't be there to help out!
LOTS of movies, reading, playing x-box and just talking..
man. If only..
I love you guys and I'm glad he's home with nothing more than being in bed for awhile.
What a blessing.
Hope it gets better and Thanksgiving is going to rock! I don't know what you're thinking, but party in your bedroom! :D ha ha